Saturday, March 31, 2012

Homemade Gifts/ Diaper Trike

Bee Intentional

March 31, 2012

Last week I went to a baby shower and I wanted to take a special gift.  I love to make gifts, but I needed something quick and easy.  I, like all good crafters do, turned to the internet to spark my creativity and I found this wonderful idea from:

Thanks to her great tutorial I was able to make the fabulous gifts pictured below!

 This was so fun to make, I made another one a few days later!


Bee Intentional - A dream fulfilled

Bee Intentional
March 31, 2012

I have been dreaming of starting a blog for months.  It is insane of how many excuses I could come up with not do it.  I almost gave up just because I could not come up with the perfect layout and design.  The layout in my head looked much different than what I could get the computer to do.  Computers and I are barely on speaking terms....but we will leave that for another post. I am very excited about what this blog with become! 

 I love to craft especially with my children and I look forward to sharing some of the things we make together.  I want to constantly remind my readers to Bee Intentional in the fast paced world we live in  we often over look what matters most.  Many of the best intenions go unrecognized!